Smattering of Stuff

Oh my!  So we have actually been doing a few things lately, but the ironic bit is that doing stuff doesn’t leave time for blogging!  So here I am with a catch-up post of sorts.  This probably won’t have a strong narrative, but at least I have a ton of photos that were sitting on […]

Special Guest Post – Kari Visits Seattle

Editor’s note: More visitors! This guest blog is by Kari who visited a little over a week ago. We love guest blogging. The blog gets content without us doing a thing! 😀  Oh, and it means people visited, which is nice too. Well, Will’s mom is a tough act to follow, but I’ll give it […]

Special Guest Post – Seattle Visit Day 4 – Part 2

We had just left the Ballard Locks where we saw these two kids who just had their hair done. Wait, that’s a different story. We had just left the Ballard Locks when we saw this wonderful restaurant.  It was just outside the gate to the locks.  I did not take a picture of it, but […]

Special Guest Post – Seattle Visit Day 4

I thought I might get our trip description finished up in this post, but I have been held up by a real-time “incident” here in the neighborhood. Sunday morning our renter, who lives in the same section as us, called to say that someone had stolen his little digger from the corner at the end […]


Our guest poster needed to run errands today, so instead of the good post, you get all the random pictures I took on my phone!  Ha ha!  Too bad for you. Regular guest posting should resume tomorrow. I was just going to dump these here with no context, but then I figured that some are […]

Special Guest Post – Seattle Visit Day 3 – Part 2

SUNDAY AFTERNOON Have we lost anyone yet?  I know it’s grueling but we only have one and a half days left of our vacation so let’s make the most of it. After a little dozing, we are off to our Harbor Tour.  I don’t know where I thought we were going to board the tour.  […]

Special Guest Post – Seattle Visit Day 3

SUNDAY We started the day with 7:30am breakfast at Roxy’s.  No, we are not slackers.  Even while on vacation, we are up and at it; too much to see/do and too little time.  Roxy’s is about a block from Will/Joni’s apartment and like the typical small town café you would see in MN serving up […]

Special Guest Post – Seattle Visit Day 2 – Part 2

SATURDAY AFTERNOON **NOTE OF CLARIFICATION: When we were riding the duck boats around Union Lake, we saw a lot of seaplanes taking off and landing on the lake.  I wondered if there was any air traffic control with those planes.  Like what was to prevent them from landing and running right into a duck boat………….particularly, […]

Special Guest Post – Seattle Visit Day 2

Saturday Before we begin our Saturday tour of Seattle, I want to list a few observations I made while there.  As we go along, you can see if you get the same impressions I did. 1. DOGS You will see an awful lot of dogs in Seattle; people walking them.  Apparently, there are regular dogs […]

Special Guest Post – Seattle Visit Day 1

Day 1 of a special guest post series by Mary Voorhees on Will’s parents’ recent visit to Seattle!   I am very pleased to have been asked to write a guest blog post about our trip to Seattle; a privilege not offered to just everyone. I like to think it is due to my good […]